Artist of the Week: Keiko Brodeur

Presenting our Kindred Artist of the Week series! We are big fans of all the artists we work with and we are so excited to share their stories!
This week we are featuring artist and illustrator, Keiko Brodeur! Keiko's work hits us in all the adventurous feels; so much of it combines the beauty of the outdoors with the sweetness of sharing it with someone you care about. Learn more about her and her process in our interview, and definitely check out her our full collection of her work online!
Who are you?
I'm Keiko Brodeur and I make all the products for my little company, Small Adventure.
What do you do?
Drawing, painting and designing are the most fun and important activity for my business but I mostly do administrative work to keep everything chugging along.
Who/what inspires you?
Children's book illustrators inspire me the most of all, but I am also inspired by nature, fashion, photographs, television and everything around me.
What’s your favorite moment in the process?
I have a couple of favorite moments: the first is when a painting is finally coming together and looking good and the stress of creating melts away; the other is when I get a shipment of brand new cards in my studio and I can hold the final product of designing and manufacturing in my hands.
What’s a trick of your trade, or a piece of advice for other artists in your medium?
There are so many paths you can take as an artist. Do what feels right for you!
What’s next?
I'll be continuing to try to make better products and illustrations for Small Adventure. I'd also like to start some personal projects I've been meaning to work on for awhile now.
See more of Keiko's work here!