Why we're vaxxed AND masked
Ever get in an elevator and you're about to go up but then someone rushes over and so you hold the door and you wait for them? And then you're like "what floor" and they're like "3" and you're like *pushes button 3* and you don't know this person and you didn’t need to stop at floor 3 but it's not that big a deal to you but it's a big deal to them?
You know what’s similar? Wearing masks even though you’re vaccinated.
It's a social grace. It's a sign of respect. It is a gesture.
We are thrilled that so many folks in our community have been vaccinated. We are thrilled because we know that you are more safe and your family/pod is more safe and our community is more safe as a result of your immunization.
But yeah, in our store, you still need to wear a mask.
Unfortunately, some unvaccinated adults chose not to wear masks even when scientific evidence showed that masks reduce the spread of disease and even though masks were mandated by law. By and large, these individuals still do not wear masks.
Therefore, a regular non-psychic person has no way of knowing whether you are vaccinated and safe, or unvaccinated and risky.
In our community, our youth are just beginning to get vaccinated and some are not yet old enough to receive it. In addition, others are unable to be vaccinated for health reasons that defy personal choice. Also, some people just don't want to get vaccinated and they have their reasons, and we might not fully understand them but we respect them.
Each and every one of these people are important to us, so we make decisions that consider their safety and their feelings of safety.
And so, at this time, in order for at-risk individuals to look around and feel safe in our store, our staff wears masks and we require our customers to wear masks, too.
Like holding the door, like offering someone a tissue, like finding a trash can instead of tossing a wrapper on the street - these individual efforts are a courtesy to others.
It's a small price to pay for the joy of being in community with one another.
Be polite and be joyful.
Wear a mask.
Thank you
You know what’s similar? Wearing masks even though you’re vaccinated.
It's a social grace. It's a sign of respect. It is a gesture.
We are thrilled that so many folks in our community have been vaccinated. We are thrilled because we know that you are more safe and your family/pod is more safe and our community is more safe as a result of your immunization.
But yeah, in our store, you still need to wear a mask.
Unfortunately, some unvaccinated adults chose not to wear masks even when scientific evidence showed that masks reduce the spread of disease and even though masks were mandated by law. By and large, these individuals still do not wear masks.
Therefore, a regular non-psychic person has no way of knowing whether you are vaccinated and safe, or unvaccinated and risky.
In our community, our youth are just beginning to get vaccinated and some are not yet old enough to receive it. In addition, others are unable to be vaccinated for health reasons that defy personal choice. Also, some people just don't want to get vaccinated and they have their reasons, and we might not fully understand them but we respect them.
Each and every one of these people are important to us, so we make decisions that consider their safety and their feelings of safety.
And so, at this time, in order for at-risk individuals to look around and feel safe in our store, our staff wears masks and we require our customers to wear masks, too.
Like holding the door, like offering someone a tissue, like finding a trash can instead of tossing a wrapper on the street - these individual efforts are a courtesy to others.
It's a small price to pay for the joy of being in community with one another.
Be polite and be joyful.
Wear a mask.
Thank you